Crizotinib is a kinase inhibitor targeting kinases c-MET and the ALK and, later, the c-ros oncogene1 kinase
(ROS1). Unfortunately, it is challenging to experimentally assess the effect of mutations on the proteins'
activity and their interaction with kinase inhibitors. In this context, molecular modeling has been previously
used to investigate the impact of mutations in the targeted protein and further, drug binding. However, these
techniques are often hampered by limited computational resources. The use of coarse-grained force fields is
a known model for multiscale simulations and novel advances on the Martini FF enable drug binding studies in
microsecond scales requiring moderate computational power. In this work, we provide parametrized models
of crizotinib and its target, ROS1.
Palavras chaves
kinases; coarse-grained; Martini
3.5. Introdução
In lung cancer, kinases are widely explored as drug targets. Mutations in this class of protein are a classical
example of oncogene addiction in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) and have been successfully inhibited
by kinase inhibitors (BHULLAR et al., 2018). Within mutated kinases in NSCLC patients, the incidence of ROS1
rearrangement is proximately 2%. The rearrangement of ROS1 is often through the fusion of its kinase domain
with at least 55 possible partners, the most common being the CD74-ROS1 fusion protein (DAVARE et al.,
2015). Mutations on the ROS1 kinase domain often correlate with resistance to type I or type II kinase
inhibitors and narrow the possible therapeutical choices for patients' treatment (REMON et al., 2021). In this
scenario, there is a critical need to develop new molecules that could evolve into potent drugs to tackle the
mutant kinase.
In medicinal chemistry, computational tools have been widely used but often faced limitations due to the
computational cost of simulating a biological system in experimental-like conditions. The computational cost
is related to the expense of reproducing all the atoms associated with the biological system of interest
(SALO-AHEN et al., 2021). An alternative is to perform such studies using a coarse-grained (CG) force field,
which groups different atoms into a representative unit, often called a “bead”. The decrease in the
“resolution” of the system accelerates molecular dynamic simulation studies allowing us to aim at bigger
scales and time ranges (BARNOUD; MONTICELLI, 2015).
Within the field of coarse-grained simulations, the force field Martini has been the top choice for the
representation of biomembranes due to its ability to reproduce the behavior of membrane lipids and
proteins(MARRINK et al., 2022). The latest updates of this force field, Martini3, improved the interbeds
interactions and implemented new classes of beads which, together, lead to the ability of the force field
application for ligand-target binding studies (SOUZA et al., 2020). In this scenario, Martini3 raises as a
promising tool not only for drug development endeavors but also for drug repurposing studies.
This new development facilitates the use of coarse-grained approaches in the study of how small molecules
interact with possible targets. Unfortunately, the pool of available small molecules parametrized for the
MARTINI3 force field is limited and does not contain any ROS1 inhibitor. In this work, we propose a coarse-
grained model for crizotinib based on the Martini3 force field. We also present a CG model for ROS1, a known
target for crizotinib in the treatment of lung cancer.
Material e métodos
The atomistic structure and molecular topology for R-crizotinib compatible with the OPLS force field were
obtained by feeding the SMILES sequence, obtained from PubChem to the LigParGen server. For the ROS1
model, we used a co-crystal structure with crizotinib (PDB entry 3ZBF). We destitute the crystal structure
from the ligand, ions, and water molecules. Missing motifs were modeled using the rotamer library on
Modeller (JALILY HASANI; BARAKAT, 2017). For the parametrization studies, drug and target were initially
separately simulated using the OPLS force field in cubic boxes with edges distanced 1.0 nm from the
substrate. The all-atom simulations were carried out in the presence of TIP3P water. The minimization steps
were done using the steep descent method for 5000 cycles followed by 250ps of canonical ensemble
equilibration. The equilibrated systems were simulated with GROMACS (version2019.5) during 600ns.
For the coarse-grained simulations, we used a combination of the latest available version of Martini3 and
GROMACS (version2019.5). The parameterization of crizotinib was performed manually following multiple
cycles focused on the optimizations of bounded terms and intramolecular angles. For the optimization of the
receptor, we used Martinize to obtain either a MARTINI model alone (model M) or combined with Elastic
Network (model M+EN) (PERIOLE et al., 2009). The models M+EN were further optimized by 1) modulations
of upper and lower distance cutoff between the backbone beads to be connected through the elastic bond, a
harmonical potential between unbounded beads; 2) by addition or removal of selected harmonical bonds from
the EN.
Resultado e discussão
For the R crizotinib, a mapping based on the Martini bible was proposed. We combined both small and tiny
beads aiming to better reproduce the volume of the all-atoms models. In the CG model, we focused on the
intramolecular angles aiming to maintain the stiffness of the molecule around the ethoxy moiety, as would be
expected in the all-atoms model due to the chiral center.
Despite having good accordance between our model and all atoms’ simulations for the angles involving the
chiral center with either the 2,6-dichloro-3-fluorophenyl or the 2-aminopyridine rings, our CG model was not
able to reproduce de bimodality of the angle between the aminopyridine ring and the pyrazole ring. This
bimodality is also observed when we compare the crystallographic structure of different targets with R-
crizotinib. Despite having a perfect overlap in the chiral center and substituents on all three targets, ALK
(PDB entry 2XP2), cMET (PDB entry 2WGJ), and ROS1 (PDB entry 3ZBF), we could identify two major
conformers. The two conformers differ by the rotation of the pyrazole ring, which can be described by the
position of the nitrogen at position 2 of the pyrazole ring according to the aromatic nitrogen from the
aminopyridine core. Our model was not capable of reproducing the bimodal distribution of this angle and its
corresponding bonds.
Another remarkable assessment of our model when compared with the all-atom simulations is the solvent-
accessible surface area (SASA). Despite the average values being comparable (CG: 7.2 nm2 AA: 7.5 nm2), the
distribution throughout the simulations presents a different behavior. While we have a narrow peak for the all-
atom simulations, the CG simulations provide a broader distribution. We hypothesize that such broad
distribution occurs due to a combination of the nature of the mapping for the chiral center, as observed in the
Conolly Surface, and the loser bonds and weaker that are limited by the simulation stability
For the parametrization of the receptor, we used Martinize, a tool capable of automatizing the process of
protein parametrization. Martinize allows the user to use the MARTINI3 force field to model the desired
protein using predetermined beads and backbone interactions. However, it is well described that MARTINI
alone struggles to maintain the tertiary structure of proteins. This artifact can be represented by high values
of Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) or Radius of Gyration (RoG) when compared with the starting coarse-
grained model. To overcome such a bottleneck, we combined the Martini force field with additional
harmonical interaction between non-bonded backbone beads. This interaction can be placed based on a cut-
off distance between beads.
For this study, we settle our initial elastic bond force constant to 500 kJ.mol-1.nm-2 and the lower and upper
elastic bond cutoff to 0.5 and 0.9 nm respectively. Our initial simulations showed that, as expected, the
MARTINI3 fails to properly reproduce the behavior observed for the ROS1 in the all-atoms simulations. But we
observed a much more promising profile for the combined MARTINI3+EN model, with RMSD values being
closely related to the all-atoms simulations. However, analysis of the Root Mean Square Fluctuation (RMSF)
shows different behavior depending on the region of the protein. As observed, the combination of
MARTINI3+EN can lead to over and underestimation of the thermal fluctuation, simultaneously.
As the long-term goal of this project is to perform ligand-binding studies, we focused on, primarily,
optimizing the regions involved in drug binding. For such, we went back to the co-crystal ROS1-crizotinib and
obtained the fingerprint of the interaction. Based on this interactive map, we observed that the G-loop and
the regulatory aC-helix in our CG model were presenting a more restrained motion than the same region in
the AA simulation. To address this limitation, we omitted the EN interactions connecting beads of both
regions. Despite presenting a conspicuous improvement in the overall RMSF of these motifs, we can infer that
further improvements are in order.
In this work we propose a model for a ligand (R crizotinib) and its validated target (ROS1) using the MARTINI 3
force field. Our efforts indicate that crizotinib is a hard-to-parametrize molecule, due to the combination of a
still end, with the presence of the chiral center, and a motif with rotational freedom. While the parametrization
of crizotinib relied mostly on manual labor to determine the intramolecular terms, we could rely on an
automatized approach for the parametrization of the receptor. But even this automatized approach still
needed human intervention to manually determine which Elastic bonds should be conserved and which
should be released to better represent the protein plasticity.
This work settles the based for further optimization of such a crucial small molecule. The potency of
crizotinib against three distinctive kinases makes us wonder which others could be sensitive to this chiral
molecule. Our interest in parametrizing the kinase domain of ROS1 is also justifiable; this kinase has been
linked with lung cancer and the raise of mutations is quickly raising as a worrying point for cancer treatment.
Thus, our protocols can also be applied to obtain CG models of the mutated ROS1
Furthermore, this works sets the grounds for binding studies using either the ligand or the receptor here
described to develop novel molecular entities or even repurposing studies of “old” drugs, already approved
by the responsible agencies
The authors would like to thank the Rijkuniversiteit Groningen for the grant for J.F Vilacha Ph.D. and the
European Research Council for the ERC advance grant for prof Marrink.
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