• Rio de Janeiro Brasil
  • 14-18 Novembro 2022

Moltiverse: A protocol for ligand´s conformer generation using the eABF method.




In this work, we propose a novel protocol for conformer generation of small molecules that uses enhanced sampling in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We termed this new strategy "Moltiverse", alluding to the universe of three-dimensional (3D) configurational space of molecules and represents a proof of concept of the utility of enhanced sampling for conformer generation. The extended adaptive biasing force (eABF) algorithm using a single collective variable of RMSD was employed to explore the conformational space of the molecules. This first implementation was benchmarked against the well-established software (RDKit) showing comparable performance. It is expected that further optimizations will provide a more comprehensive and efficient sampling.

Palavras chaves

conformer generation; enhanced sampling; ligands


Gaining new knowledge of ligand binding mode in proteins represents an area of great relevance in the academic environment and the pharmaceutical industry. However, it is not a simple task. One way to tackle the problem using computational methods is to predict the conformations that molecules adopt when interacting at the binding site on proteins via molecular docking, free energy methods among others, on the protein of interest and thus predict the possible binding mode as well as their possible biological activity. One crucial initial step is the generation of ligand conformers to be tested. There are several freely and commercially available software for conformer sampling. Some approaches are based on evolutionary algorithms, geometric searches, as well as random or systematic generations that are often refined with general force fields. On the other hand, enhanced sampling methods rely on MD calculations to explore the energy landscape restricted to some collective variables. It is possible to define collective variables such as the distance, angles, and dihedral angles between atoms, RMSD, among others, to study the conformational space of a molecule. Consequently, it is reasonable to think that these methods could be used to generate ligand conformers and even produce ligand conformations similar to protein-bound-like states. Here we present a first approach using eABF to generate the conformers of a series of small molecules with known protein-bound structures. Initial results show that the strategy can sample numerous conformations comparable to established software, many of which are close to bound-state conformations.

Material e métodos

100 ligands were randomly selected from the "Platinum Diverse Dataset" (FRIEDRICH and MEYDER et al., 2017) which consists of a selection of ligand- bound protein structures from the protein data bank (PDB). Initial 3D structures were generated from the SMILES entries using the RDKit library. The molecules were prepared for MD simulations with the NAMD (KALÉ et al., 1999) software. The antechamber (WANG et al., 2006) software was used to generate the ligand’s parameters and partial charges using the AM1-BCC charge model and the GAFF2 force field (WANG et al., 2004). The structures were energetically minimized for 100,000 steps in vacuum using the conjugate gradient method. The eABF method (FU et al., 2016) with a RMSD collective variable as implemented in the Colvars module (FIORIN et al., 2013) was employed to explore the conformational space of the molecules. All ligand atoms were included in the collective RMSD variable. The calculation was divided into 10 windows, and every window consisted of a width of 0.5 Å of RMSD spanning from 0 to 5 Å. For each window, a MD simulation was run for 1 ns, and 25 frames equally spaced in time were stored. Thus, a total of 250 frames of the MD trajectories were considered as final conformers. The RDKit (RDKit: Open-source cheminformatics; http://www.rdkit.org) software was used to also generate 250 conformers per ligand with the standard geometric distance algorithm in conjunction with the MMFF94 (TOSCO et al., 2014) force field starting from the same initial 3D structures as before. The accuracy was measured as the minimum RMSD (Å) between each conformer generated with RDKit and Moltiverse against the experimentally determined protein- bound-like conformation. Non-polar hydrogens were ignored for the RMSD measurement.

Resultado e discussão

The subset of the chosen 100 molecules has a wide range of numbers of atoms and rotatable bonds (Figure 1 A,B). The distribution of rotatable bonds shows a similar trend compared to the original, which is rich in molecules containing 1 to 6 rotatable bonds(FRIEDRICH and MEYDER et al., 2017). In general, the greater the number of rotatable bonds, the greater the degrees of freedom, and the more difficult the prediction becomes. We have chosen RDKit as reference as it is one of the most prominent open-source chemoinformatic tools, which contains several methods, algorithms, and protocols for molecular tasks. RDKit has been tested against both free access (EBEJER et al., 2012; FRIEDRICH and MEYDER et al., 2017) and commercial software (FRIEDRICH and DE BRUYN KOPS et al., 2017) and it has been shown to reproduce more than 80% of the experimentally-determined conformations with an RMSD below 1.0 Å. Figure 1C shows the distribution of the minimum RMSD values obtained with the RDKit and Moltiverse approaches. The range of RMSD values with RDKit (0.02 and 1.50) was slightly lower than the Moltiverse values (0.05 and 2.06). The cumulative percentages of RMSD values under different thresholds are shown in Figure 1D. Below 0.5 Å of RMSD threshold, RDKit predicted experimental poses in 37% of the ligands while it was 30 % for Moltiverse, but the difference was larger below 1 Å of RMSD (80 % vs 65 %, respectively). Below 1.5 Å of RMSD, RDKit predicted 99 % while Moltiverse predicted 90 % of the ligands. Although RDKit has a better predictive power on this dataset, both approaches produced conformers within the 2 Å RMSD limit, which is indicative of good similarity with the experimental conformations.

Figure 1. Distribution of molecular features and accuracy of RMSD.

Distribution of the number of atoms (A) and rotatable bonds per molecule (B). C. Minimum RMSD values. D. Percentage of accuracy below RMSD thresholds.


Moltiverse showed comparable albeit slightly worse predictive power than RDKit, however, the simulation protocol employed here was the simplest approach possible without post-processing of the MD trajectories. Consequently, it could be argued that the Moltiverse strategy could be further refined to better explore the configurational space thus yielding an increased sampling of the ligand conformation. Future work will be aimed at refining the collective variables as well as expanding the testing data to the complete "Platinum diverse dataset".


M.B. acknowledges FONDECYT - ANID for his postdoctoral grant Nº 3210774. This work used resources of the "Centro Nacional de Processamento de Alto Desempenho em São Paulo (CENAPAD-SP)."


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