• Rio de Janeiro Brasil
  • 14-18 Novembro 2022





The study presents an experience on the planning and realization of a workshop for the extraction of vegetable pigments and their use in the production of artisanal paint developed by the academics of the 5th period of the IFTO Chemistry Degree Course at EXPOBRASIL 2022, held in June 2022 in Tocantins paradise. Participants get to know the history of paints, have contact with natural pigments (flowers, leaves, fruits, roots, earth, etc.), prepare and produce artisanal paint and paint on canvas with the paints produced. The data obtained through the questionnaire revealed that the activity contributed to an interdisciplinary and important understanding for the training process of the academics involved in the planning and development of the workshop.

Palavras chaves

Pigment; sustainability; interdisciplinarity.


The teacher needs to teach the student to read the world in which he lives to better understand it, contextualizing the teaching aimed at reflection and the development of critical thinking (SANTOS et al, 2018). The interdisciplinarity and contextualization are demonstrated through the Curriculum Guidelines for High School as organizing axes of the teaching of Chemistry, approaching everyday situations and those created from experimentation (BRASIL, 2006). Problematization is an essential activity in the acquisition and construction of scientific knowledge (GIASSI, 2009). Experimentation enables the re-elaboration of knowledge and reflection, acquiring the ability to create models (GONÇALVES; MARQUES, 2006). Therefore, the execution of an efficient teaching strategy such as workshops and practical activities values the construction of knowledge in a participatory and questioning way, based on everyday situations (NASCIMENTO et al, 2007). The workshops make it possible to bring students and teachers closer together, allowing the exchange of experiences and roles between them (SANTOS et al, 2018). The workshop establishes itself as an environment for the production of knowledge in a community way, where there is analysis of reality, conflicts and transfer of experiences between the participants (SILVA et al, 2019). Also according to Silva et al, (2019) workshops are productive units of knowledge based on a concrete reality to be transferred to that reality in order to transform it. Thus, the objective of this work was to present the report of a workshop on the production and use of vegetable pigments used in artisanal painting developed during an agricultural fair in the North region of Brazil.

Material e métodos

According to Gil (2002) the study was classified as exploratory and descriptive. The workshop was held during EXPOBRASIL 2022, in June 2022, at the Newton Moraes Exhibition Park, in Paraíso do Tocantins. The activities were carried out on 06/06 and 07/06, 2022 at night, lasting 2 hours. The academics of the 5th period of the Degree in Chemistry of the Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Tocantins-IFTO: Paraíso do Tocantins campus invited the participants of the fair to enter the IFTO stand, to participate in a 10-minute dialogued lecture using films and slides to learn about the history of paints, have contact with natural pigments (flowers, leaves, fruits, roots, earth, etc.), preparation and production of artisanal paints and paintings on canvas with the paints produced. The workshop participants, under the guidance of the chemistry students, carried out the preparation of plant raw materials and the pigment extraction processes. Red cabbage, beets, annatto, saffron, carrots, cabbage, black beans, earth, charcoal were used as raw material for pigment extraction, white glue PVA as a binder and aloe, egg white, bicarbonate, vinegar as fixatives. A pestle and mortar were used to extract the pigments, where the vegetables in small pieces were macerated with a little alcohol until the pigment was released. At the end of the workshop, the participants answered a questionnaire via WhatsApp, using the Google Forms form, about the workshop with the following questions: How do you evaluate the content covered in the painting workshop? How do you evaluate the didactics presented by the academics of the 5th period during the painting workshop? How do you rate the paint shop?

Resultado e discussão

40 answered questionnaires were returned. After the end of the workshop, we started to tabulate the data referring to the questionnaire sent via Whats App to the participants of the paint workshop. According to graph 1, 87.5% of the participants rated the workshop as excellent, 75% said that the didactics of the students of the Degree in Chemistry were excellent and 82.5% rated the content covered during the workshop as excellent. It was noticed through the questionnaire that most of the answers were great and that the use of simple practice mediated by accessible technologies arouses the interest of the participants. The teacher can arouse the interest of his students using workshops to expose the contents he wants to teach. Even with deficient physical structure, lack of equipment deficiencies can make a difference, using creativity and determination and teaching. According to Moran, Masetto e Behrens (2000) the teacher has many methodological options for alternative communication with students, thematic introductions and face-to-face or virtual evaluations of the work carried out. According to Demo (2000) the teacher must carry out daily research allied to teaching practice, in order to transform the passive student into an active student. According to Almeida et al (2017), conducting a workshop with pigments extracted from plants promoted the contextualization of content, an interdisciplinary approach, student participation and understanding and a training moment for academics who worked in the teaching and learning process in a non-formal teaching environment. Therefore, we understand that the practice of paintings related to theoretical discussions can significantly contribute to student learning (FERREIRA et al, 2019).

Graph 1. Questionnaire evaluation

Figure 2. Poster and workshop


The workshop carried out allowed the contextualization and interdisciplinary approach, the participation and understanding of the participants of the agricultural fair and a training moment for the academics of the 5th period of the Degree in Chemistry who worked in the teaching and learning process in a non- formal teaching environment. Based on the study carried out, it is concluded that teachers always need to innovate, reinvent, seek teaching strategies that involve students, either during classes or through workshops aggregating pedagogical actions that provoke and stimulate students.


TO GOD, to the IFTO Paraíso do Tocantins campus


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Patrocinador Ouro

Conselho Federal de Química

Patrocinador Prata

Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico

Patrocinador Bronze

LF Editorial
Royal Society of Chemistry
Elite Rio de Janeiro


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