• Rio de Janeiro Brasil
  • 14-18 Novembro 2022





Chemistry teaching needs classes that involve students with investigative activities. The objective of the study was the construction of an alternative calorimeter with low-cost material. The study was carried out with 25 students from the 2nd year of high school at a public school. The constructed calorimeter was used to determine the enthalpy of neutralization. After the experiment the students answered a questionnaire the experiment. The experiment was of great pedagogical importance, as it contributed to the development of significant knowledge aimed at improving teaching.

Palavras chaves

Investigative teaching; neutralization reaction; experimentation


The lack of perception of most students in relating Chemistry with various processes present in everyday life occurs most of the time because they do not have a contextualized learning during classes (DIONIZIO, 2018). Chemistry teaching must go beyond the memorization of formulas, disconnection between practice and theory, and classes that allow investigative activities must be applied (SASSERON 2013). Investigative teaching encourages the student to understand natural phenomena by establishing a connection with scientific knowledge (CARVALHO, 2013). Practical classes enable students to learn in the conception of concepts and motivation in the analysis of the investigation of natural phenomena to solve problems (GONÇALVES and GOI, 2018). Experimentation is a widely discussed and defended pedagogical resource in chemistry teaching, whose intention is to arouse motivation, interest and analysis of the theoretical knowledge associated with the experiment (GREIN, 2014; OLIVEIRA et al., 2014). According to Henzel (2019) most Brazilian public schools do not have adequate infrastructure, materials or laboratories that allow the execution of the experimental activity, with the need to search for alternatives that make it possible to carry out the class, experiments such as: non-formal spaces, material Low cost, recycled materials. Therefore, the objective of this study is the construction of an alternative calorimeter with low cost material, being a facilitator instrument in chemistry classes, helping in the learning of students of the 2nd year of high school in a public school, from the experimental results. obtained as a complementary activity to lectures on the content of thermochemistry, as well as awakening in the student an investigative, critical and motivating vision.

Material e métodos

The study was carried out in a state public school, located in the Setor Oeste neighborhood in the city of Paraíso do Tocantins. Twenty-five high school 2nd year students participated in the research. A study on calorimetry and enthalpy of neutralization was carried out. These chemical contents are included in the Physical Chemistry subject taught in the 2nd year of High School. After the study, a survey was carried out on what materials would be needed for the construction of the equipment. The students were divided into 5 groups. Each group received the following materials: styrofoam packaging, wire, soda can, detergent lid and thermometer to build the calorimeter. To build the calorimeter, the students initially removed the top of the soda can with a can opener. They cut 35 cm of wire and twisted one end to cause agitation when it was inside the liquid in the calorimeter. They divided the styrofoam packaging in half, with one half having two holes drilled. In one of the holes, the detergent cap was added to introduce the thermometer and the other hole was the wire to provoke the agitation of the liquid in the calorimeter. The soda can was placed inside one half of the styrofoam package and covered with the other half. Figure 1 shows the procedures used in the construction of the calorimeter.The constructed calorimeter was used in an experiment to determine the enthalpy of neutralization between strong acidic and basic solutions. After the experiment, an evaluative questionnaire was prepared on the construction and use of the calorimeter in the experiment carried out, which students would have to answer about learning and participation in the experience.

Resultado e discussão

There was intense student participation during the calorimeter construction stages and the experimental class. They were very receptive to the knowledge covered, taking measurements and handling the equipment. Graph 1 shows the results of the questionnaire after the construction and use of the calorimeter used in the experimental class. According to the graph: 80% of the students agreed that the experiment helped to learn about the concept of exchanges and thermal equilibrium and to determine the heat of naturalization between an acid and a base, with 12% disagreeing and 8% indifferent. 88% stated that the experimental activity helped in learning, 8% disagreed and 4% were indifferent. When asked about the ability to relate the experiment with the contents studied in Thermodynamics, 72% answered yes, 16% answered no and 12% were indifferent. 76% said learning through experimentation was motivating, 16% said it wasn't, and 8% were indifferent. With regard to liking having participated in the construction of the calorimeter, 96% said yes and 4% did not like having participated. According to Pereira (2019), carrying out an experiment with the construction and use of a calorimeter found an increase in student interest and learning. Oliveira et al. (2019), applying a questionnaire on the use of a calorimeter in an experimental class, found that after carrying out the practice, 92% agreed with this new teaching methodology and 8% did not. Also according to the authors, the great lack of interest of students in the study of chemistry is due, in general, to the lack of experimental activities that can relate theory and practice. According to Zanon and Uhmann (2012) experimentation helps students in the investigative process in order to signify such concepts.

Figure 1. Materials and steps used in the construction of the calorime

Graph 1. Results of the questionnaire applied after the construction a


The difficulties experienced in some public schools in the teaching of Chemistry demonstrate the need for innovative practices, through didactic tools capable of arousing the interest of students. The experiment carried out was of great pedagogical importance, exploring various chemical contents. The construction of an alternative calorimeter made with low-cost material aided learning, collaborating with the development of significant knowledge aimed at improving teaching through better absorption of knowledge about the study of enthalpy of neutralization.


TO GOD, to the IFTO Paraíso do Tocantins campus


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Patrocinador Ouro

Patrocinador Prata

Patrocinador Bronze


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