The use of games in the teaching of Chemistry has proved to be an alternative to
motivate and improve the teaching-learning relationship of students with learning
difficulties. The work evaluated a playful didactic activity (game) developed
with the aim of helping the teaching-learning process in the classroom. The
development of the recreational activity was carried out during the 5th semester
of 2022/2 at the IFTO campus Paraíso do Tocantins, with a sample of 20 students.
After using the game, a questionnaire was applied. The satisfactory results of
the evaluation show that the game can be an alternative resource to learn about
inorganic functions and chemical bonds, providing a pleasant and fun environment.
Palavras chaves
Chemistry Teaching; Didactic game; Chemical bonds
Chemistry is a science that studies the nature of matter and is present in the
daily lives of students, going unnoticed by most of them due to the lack of
contextualized and meaningful learning (DIONIZIO, 2018). However, given the
relevance of this science to society, some Brazilian schools use traditionalist
teaching, focused on the transmission-reception of content, making meaningful
learning impossible (CRISÓSTOMO et al, 2018; DIONIZIO, 2018; OLIVEIRA et al,
2018). The content taught in the discipline of Chemistry, in High School,
involves many calculations, formulas and rules, which ends up generating a lack
of interest in learning and demotivating the student (OLIVEIRA JUNIOR et al.,
2020). One possibility for chemistry classes to be more attractive and to
involve students is the use of playful didactic games to stimulate and draw
attention, making the construction of knowledge more meaningful, fun and
pleasurable (SOUZA et al., 2020). The use of games in the teaching of Chemistry
has proved to be a very suitable alternative for being a means of motivation and
for improving the teaching-learning relationship by providing an engaging
environment, with the acquisition of different skills, becoming a possibility to
enhance the student performance. in content with learning difficulties (CARBO et
al., 2019; LEÃO et al, 2019). The didactic game can be a strategy for the
development of the student's critical capacity, where he is instigated to
question, research and go after information, make decisions and create
hypotheses (WARTHA; KIOURANIS; VIEIRA, 2018). Given the context, the work aims
to evaluate a didactic game developed with the objective of helping the
teaching-learning process in the classroom about inorganic functions and
chemical bonds.
Material e métodos
The development of the recreational activity was carried out during the 5th
semester of 2022-2, in the discipline of Instrumentation for Teaching Chemistry
IV, in the Degree in Chemistry of the Federal Institute of Education, Sciences
and Technology of Tocantins (IFTO) Paraíso do Tocantins campus , with a sample
of 20 students of the discipline. The study was developed quantitatively
(SEVERINO, 2016), with the purpose of evaluating a playful didactic activity
(Card Game) developed to assist in the teaching of inorganic functions,
nomenclature and chemical bonds. The construction of the game was carried out
with white cardboard, impressions of the cations and anions that were cut, glued
and wrapped in adhesive plastic on the backs, with dimensions of 7 cm x 3.5 cm,
from the cardboard. The game has 60 cards (30 cations and 30 anions) and one die
asks (what is the molecular mass? inorganic substance of the formed compound?).
The game starts by shuffling the cations and anions cards separately and then
forming two piles. After the draw, the player will start the game by removing
cards from each pile and roll the dice to know what to answer, if he gets it
right, he will earn three (3) points and continue playing, if he is wrong, he
will lose one (1) point and the turn will pass. The player who accumulates the
most points in ten (10) rounds of the Game will win. After using the game, a
questionnaire was applied with the following questions: Was the game easy to
understand? Does the game contribute to the learning of the content? Did the
game help with fixing the content? Can it be used as an alternative teaching
method? Do you approve of the game? What are the positives and negatives of the
game? so that the teaching strategy could be evaluated.
Resultado e discussão
Graph 1 informs the answers obtained with the application of the questionnaire.
Figure 2 shows the model for evaluating the game by students. The results
obtained in graph1, showed that 50% agreed that the game was easy to understand.
Costa et al. (2017), performing a playful didactic activity on chemical bonds,
also found 26.08% of students with difficulties in understanding how to play.
80% admitted that the game contributed to learning. According to Romero and
Cunha (2018), didactic ludic activities are useful pedagogical tools that, when
well used in the school environment, can facilitate teaching and learning in a
fun and enjoyable way. 70% confirmed that the game helped with content fixation.
The students unanimously declared that the game could be used as an alternative
teaching method and approved the didactic ludic activity. According to Matias,
Nascimento and Sales (2017); Rêgo, Cruz Júnior and Araújo (2017) the game is an
efficient tool and brings the student to a fun and dynamic environment, enabling
the learning and understanding of the Chemistry contents covered, seeking
improvements in teaching and learning, configuring as one of the alternatives
for the process improvements. Regarding the game's positive points, the means of
Interaction (100%) and stimulus for learning (90%) were highlighted, as for the
negative points, the highlights were improving the layout of the cards (85%) and
changing the rules to make the game more competitive (90%). Through the analysis
of the application of the didactic game, it was observed that the playful
approach performed presented satisfactory values for all the items evaluated
after the application of the game, evidencing a good evaluation and acceptance
of the game by the students of the Degree in Chemistry.

In view of the satisfactory results of the evaluation by students of the Degree
in Chemistry of the IFTO on the use of didactic ludic activity, we believe that
the game can be used by future Chemistry teachers during the internships
Supervised in the regency and also by the teacher in the classroom as an
alternative resource for learning content on inorganic functions and chemical
bonds, positively impacting and enhancing student learning, providing a pleasant
and fun environment.
TO GOD, to the IFTO Paraíso do Tocantins campus
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