In most Brazilian public schools, the teaching of Chemistry is traditionally
taught through lectures through memorization. Games help the teaching-learning
process by promoting an engaging and fun environment. Faced with the need to
insert new resources for teaching, the objective of this work was to evaluate the
organic domino game. After using the organic domino game, it was applied to
evaluate the teaching strategy. The results showed a good evaluation and
acceptance of the game with 85% in all questions asked. In view of good results,
we believe that the organic domino game can be used as a complementary resource
in learning about organic functions, providing a pleasant, motivating and fun
Palavras chaves
Chemistry Teaching; Learning Object; alternative teaching meth
In most Brazilian public schools, the teaching of Chemistry is traditionally
taught through lectures without social application, content taught through
memorization and repetitively through exercises and tests, low cognitive levels,
reduction of chemical knowledge to chemical formulas and mathematics,
application and repetition of rules and lack of understanding of a problem
situation making it impossible to develop meaningful learning (FERNANDES et al.,
2019; FERREIRA et al., 2019; GONÇALVES et al., 2019;LOBATO et al., 2019; MENDES
et al., 2019). This context can be reversed through the use of new teaching
methods in the educational environment that enable motivating classes that
include investigative problem situations, awakening the understanding of natural
phenomena taking into account the analysis and association with scientific
knowledge (CARVALHO, 2013; SASSERON 2013). ). Playful games applied to the
teaching of chemistry can help the teaching-learning process by promoting an
engaging and fun environment, with learning of various skills, which can
intensify and enhance performance, student interest in content with learning
problems, promote competitiveness, contributing and influencing the training of
students, integrating practice with theory and reflection and building their
knowledge (GONÇALVES et al., 2019; LEÃO et al., 2019; LOBATO et al., 2019;
SANTOS et al., 2019). Faced with the need to introduce new resources for the
teaching of organic functions: nomenclature, functional group, this work aimed
to apply and evaluate the didactic game entitled organic domino to students of
the Instrumentation for Chemistry Teaching course of the Licentiate in Chemistry
at the Federal Institute of Tocantins.
Material e métodos
The study was developed in an exploratory and quantitative descriptive way (GIL,
2008), with the purpose of evaluating a didactic game called organic dominoes
developed to help the teacher in the classroom in the teaching of organic
functions, nomenclature and functional group, following a methodology adapted
from Oliveira, Moura, and Molla, (2013). The game was applied at the Federal
Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Tocantins (IFTO). The sample
consisted of 20 students in the discipline of Instrumentation for Teaching
Chemistry of the Degree in Chemistry (IFTO) campus Paraíso do Tocantins. The
game is based on conventional dominoes and 28 rectangular wooden pieces (7cm x
3.5cm) containing xerocopied structures of the organic functions were used:
carboxylic acid, alcohol, aldehyde, amide, amine, ketone and phenol and their
glued nomenclatures on their faces and fixed by transparent adhesive tape. The
game starts clockwise, with the player who has the stone with the drawing of an
ant, representing formic acid. Each player must fit one of his pieces, when the
player manages to fit a piece, he will proceed, if he cannot, the turn passes.
Having as the winner of the game, the student who manages to fit all his pieces.
After using the organic domino game, a questionnaire was applied with the
following questions: Was the game easy to understand? Does the game contribute
to the learning of the content? Did the game help with fixing the content? Can
it be used as an alternative teaching method? Do you approve of the game? What
do you highlight as a positive point of the Game? What do you highlight as a
negative point of the game? so that the teaching strategy could be evaluated.
Resultado e discussão
Graph 1 informs the answers obtained with the application of the questionnaire.
Figure 2 shows the evaluation of the game by the students. The results observed
in graph 1 show that 95% of the students considered the game to be easy to
understand, 90% said that the game contributed to the learning of content about
organic functions, 85% attested that the game helps to fix content about organic
functions, 100% declared that the organic domino game can be used as an
alternative teaching method for teaching organic functions and their
nomenclatures and 85% of those approved the ludic activity using the organic
domino game. When asked about the game's positive points, content retention
(80%) and ease of learning (90%) were highlighted. The students also highlighted
the lack of colors in the domino pieces (80%) and the lack of clarity of the
rules of the game (90%) as negative points. Through the analysis of the
application of the didactic game, it was observed that the playful approach
performed presented values equal to or greater than 85% in all the questions
evaluated after the application of the game, evidencing a good evaluation and
acceptance of the organic domino game by the students of the Degree. in
Chemistry. According to Araújo et al. (2017) acceptance and good evaluation were
influenced by the similarity of the same gameplay and rules between conventional
dominoes and organic dominoes. Silva et al (2015) using the organic domino
methodology found 100% of students agreeing with the contribution of the game to
learning and 90% agreeing with the use of the game to learn chemistry. Gonçalves
et al., (2019) Found a positive impact through 84.0% of students believe that
the use of games helped in the teaching process of organic functions

In view of the good results of the use of didactic games evaluated by the
Academics of the Degree in Chemistry of the IFTO, we believe that the organic
domino game can be used by future chemistry teachers during the supervised
internships in the regency and also by the teacher in the classroom as
complementary resource for learning content on organic functions carboxylic acid,
alcohol, aldehyde, amide, amine, ketone and phenol positively impacting student
learning, providing a pleasant, motivating and fun environment.
To God, to the IFTO paradise campus of Tocantins
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