For undergraduate students, the internship is very important to understand the
reality of the profession in which they will work. The research reports the
experience of the Supervised Curricular Internship I of the Degree in Chemistry
during the Covid 19 pandemic. Observations of the physical and pedagogical
infrastructure of the elementary school institution and recording of the
activities carried out in the school unit were completed. The Internship
provided the opportunity to experience teaching work in an atypical period,
social isolation, within a school and promoted reflection on the obstacles of
teaching work within the school, the reality of the professional future and
motivation to seek knowledge to be good teachers and be part of a school team
that seeks excellence in teaching.
Palavras chaves
Teaching learning; Pedagogical experiences; Teacher training
For the undergraduate academic, the experience during the Supervised Curricular
Internship is essential. Through it, the student will be able to understand and
verify the reality of the profession in which he will train and act. According
to Oliveira (2019) the internship will always be one of the most satisfying and
enriching experiences of human knowledge, as it provides the opportunity for
concrete knowledge, through action - reflection - action (theory and practice),
as well as data collection, investigation, verification, interviews, and field
research at the intern location. For Stanzani, Broietti and Passos (2022), the
internship aims to understand the school unit and the teaching-learning process
so that when the time comes to take classes in basic education, the teacher can
support theoretical discussions and pedagogical innovations. Corroborating this,
Assai (2019) states that the internship is an activity that instrumentalizes
praxis, as the initial training of teachers needs the inseparability of theory
and practice. In March 2020, Brazilian schools had to suspend their face-to-face
activities entirely due to the COVID-19 pandemic (CANI et al., 2020). According
to the Ministry of Health, “COVID-19 is a disease caused by the coronavirus,
called SARS-CoV-2, which has a clinical spectrum ranging from asymptomatic
infections to severe conditions. The World Health Organization WHO has indicated
that, in order to effectively combat COVID-19, countries should practice social
isolation, avoid crowds and intensify healthy hygiene habits, such as washing
hands correctly (WHO, 2021). According to the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO, (2020) in May 2020, 186 countries
closed schools, in whole or in part, to contain the spread of COVID-19, reaching
about 70% from the students. This closure affected the school calendar, and its
impact on student learning is uncertain. Differences in the severity of the
quarantine, in its duration and in the strategies adopted by families and
schools are just some of the factors that may influence the trajectory of these
students (OLIVEIRA; GOMES; BARCELLOS, 2020). Social isolation, in the case of
education, has promoted deconstructions in the way teaching and learning are
seen socially. In view of this school scenario, numerous countries have
internally discussed possibilities of school attendance in exceptional
situations. It is important to note that the contemporary context presents
options and possibilities very different from the pandemic emergencies of the
past. One of them concerns the dissemination of digital information and
communication technologies - especially the Internet. (ARRUDA, 2020). According
to the Political Pedagogical Project (2020) of the Grantor Unit, the development
of learning objectives, competencies and skills provided for in the National
Common Curricular Base - BNCC and, Curricular Document of the Territory of
Tocantins (DCT) were fulfilled in a non-face-to-face manner, through of non-
face-to-face pedagogical activities, due to the Pandemic caused by COVID-19 and
taking into account CEE/TO Resolution No. The Resolution establishes ways of
reorganizing the School Calendar / 2020 and defines the special regime of non-
face-to-face school activities in the State Education System of Tocantins, for
the purposes of complying with the 2020 school year, as a measure to prevent and
combat the contagion of the New Coronavirus (COVID-19). The document instructed
the HEIs to be responsible for defining the adaptations and adaptations of the
curricula for the provision of practical disciplines in laboratories and the
professional internship of higher education courses, respecting the National
Curriculum Guidelines (DCN) (BRASIL, 2001). Therefore, the institutions sought
alternatives to favor the interns' contact with the professional reality and the
approximation of theory with practice through creative and innovative solutions,
among which the monitoring of remote activities in the mandatory Internships for
the Degree courses (BEDIN, 2020). In this context, this report presents the
contributions of the Supervised Curricular Internship I to the pedagogical
training in chemistry experienced with 9th grade classes, in the discipline of
Science, in a state school in the city of Paraíso do Tocantins that, due to the
condition of the Covid pandemic, -19, took place remotely, replaced by
alternative proposals to training in the Internship field.
Material e métodos
It is an experience report carried out from the experiences of the Supervised
Curricular Internship I carried out in the Degree in Chemistry offered, which
was carried out during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic, which occurred
remotely from August to December 2020. According to Lopes (2012), an experience
report is part of human experiences and belongs to the social domain. This type
of study describes a specific experience, with new observations about a
particular event. Internship I was developed in a State School in the city of
Paraíso do Tocantins, located in the Jardim Paulista neighborhood in the 9th
year of elementary school. The Supervised Curricular Internship I of the Federal
Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Tocantins IFTO Paraíso do
Tocantins campus is carried out in four semesters, developed in Elementary
School (6th to 9th grade) and II, III and IV in High School and with load Time
of 100 hours, of which 20 hours will be projected as guidance for students
regarding the performance of activities at school, reading of documents
pertinent to the internship of hours, reflective reading of texts and
presentation of day-to-day experiences in the Granting Unit where internship as
internship activities. The remaining 80 hours are devoted to activities carried
out at the school and include 20 hours to visit the Grantor unit for diagnosis
and contact with the pedagogical teams; PAE Internship Activities Plan;
interview with the school community and for the elaboration of, as a result of
reflection on the activities developed, as well as partial reports for the
elaboration of activities. During the end of the activities studied at school,
the socialization of experiences during the Internship was experimented with
between the vivid exercises after the subject Supervised Curricular Internship
Resultado e discussão
The internship described here was carried out respecting the state and
institution standards in question; These norms are defined to face the pandemic
scenario. Therefore, all the activities carried out were carried out respecting
the limits established within the School's Pedagogical Political Plan. The
school adaptation is the first phase developed in Stage I, it is very important
for the formation of the educator, because it is the moment in which the
management of the Granting Unit allows the intern, to know the reality of the
institution, its physical space, the body of teachers and employees, as well as
the Pedagogical Political Project. With the completion of the supervised
observation internship, we had the opportunity to observe the structure in which
the school environment is developed and organized, providing a pleasant and
appropriate environment for the construction of the learning of young people and
adolescents who attend. According to Kowaltowski (2014), the teaching
environment must be designed to support the educational goals of a society and
according to her, the school is the place where the intentional pedagogical
intervention triggers the teaching/learning process. Physically, the school
occupies a considerably large space. The school's main gate is preceded by an
unwalled and unpaved space and for ease of access, the school also has an east
gate that favors the entry of vehicles. The intramural structure is divided into
three blocks. In the first is the school administrative area, the first of the
blocks to be accessed through the main gate, followed by its auditorium, which
has a stage with little accessibility for people with disabilities. The
auditorium has no side walls and its space ends up giving access to the school
kitchen. According to Elali (2003), the physical environment has a direct and
symbolic impact on its occupants, facilitating and/or inhibiting behaviors. In
view of this, it is understood the importance of knowing the school space, since
the physical facilities of the school contribute not only to the social
coexistence of educators and students, but, above all, to the unfolding of the
pedagogical process as a whole (CARPINTEIRO; ALMEIDA, 2008), considering that
the teaching-learning process occurs throughout the school environment. In the
back of the school there is a vegetable garden that, according to data from the
Pedagogical Political Plan (2020) is used for internal consumption with the
planting of lettuce, cabbage, onions, coriander and other vegetables. This
venture also depends on expansion. As for accessibility, the physical structure
of the lower part of the building has ramps and adapted bathrooms, but the
school in general is not fully adapted. According to the school's Pedagogical
Political Plan (2020), there is a proposal to "seek to adapt the physical, human
and pedagogical structures offered by the school to the wishes of students who
have some kind of special need, thus providing a peaceful and harmonious
relationship in the school environment". development of the entire educational
process. Before the pandemic, class hours were from 7:00 am to 11:25 am in the
morning period and from 1:00 pm to 3:25 pm in the afternoon period. With the
current situation, there is only assistance to parents, guardians and students
so that they receive a script of activities, where the teacher of each subject
explains the activities to be done. These itineraries are delivered and received
every 15 days. It was observed that during the school's operation in 2020, due
to the pandemic caused by COVID-19, preventive measures such as mandatory use of
masks, distancing and use of 70% alcohol for hand hygiene were signaled in all
parts of the school (available in rooms where the class scripts were located and
in the main building). Evaluation during the year 2020 as a result of the Covid-
19 pandemic. The school has elementary school II (6th to 9th grade) and high
school (1st, 2nd and 3rd grade), distributed as follows: Five 6th grade classes,
Three 7th grade classes, Three 8th grade classes, Three 8th grade classes 9th
grade, Three 1st grade classes. A 2nd grade class and a 3rd grade class. Due to
the COVID-19 pandemic, school activities were stopped for all classes from March
13th. 3th grade students returned to remote activities (via submissions of
activity scripts) from June 29th and the school period for this class ended in
2020 so that there were no damages in relation to vestibular and Enem. 1st and
2nd grade students returned to remote activities (via activity itineraries
submissions) from August 10th and elementary school II students only returned on
September 18th and the school year for these classes will only end in 2021 ,
however the school is still waiting for the school calendar and guidelines that
will come from SEDUC. The class council that took place on October 21 in the
morning at school, was related to the 1st bimester, fundamental II and 1st and
2nd grade, in the school auditorium, open place and following safety procedures
such as wearing a mask and social distancing. In the afternoon, the 3rd grade
class council took place, referring to the 3rd bimester, via Google Meet.
Assessments and attendance are being done through the biweekly activity scripts
delivered to parents and students. And according to the Pedagogical Political
Plan (2020) the evaluation will be continuous and formative that records the
entire learning process of students remotely. Learning objectives involve
conceptual, procedural and attitudinal contents.
The year 2020 was atypical due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the whole world stopped
and had to adapt to what was happening and consequently, schools also underwent
immediate transformations. Initially, schools closed and started to return with
adaptations in classes, in the school calendar, in the educational routine, which
directly affected the lives of students and school staff. Due to this fact, the
supervised internship I did not occur as in previous years, the academics who
performed the observation internship also felt the impacts of the different
functioning of the schools, such as, for example, not having contact with
students and teachers. But as an observation internship, it was very enriching
for the undergraduate student, as he was able to follow, through observation and
interviews, the new means used by the school team to transmit classes to
students, as well as a quiet observation of the physical structure. from school.
The internship is an activity that confers greater interest on the part of the
academic and allows him to know the reality of schools, it is through the
internship that you can make a connection between the concepts learned in college
and school practice.
TO GOD, to the IFTO Paraíso do Tocantins campus
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