• Rio de Janeiro Brasil
  • 14-18 Novembro 2022





Information and Communication Technologies - ICT can enhance pedagogical practices by adding access to information, flexibility, diversity of supports in their treatment and presentation. The study evaluated a virtual memory game developed with the PowerPoint tool for teaching the nomenclature of inorganic functions. The game was applied to 40 students of the 1st year of Education. The research was carried out with the division of the class into pairs and the game for each pair. After the application of the game, an evaluative questionnaire was applied. The game presented a contribution to learning and approval for the game developed with the Microsoft PowerPoint program can become a differential and contribute to the quality of teaching content on the nomenclature of inorganic functions.

Palavras chaves

Chemistry teaching; Gamification; Powerpoint


Chemistry is a natural science present in the daily life to which the student is exposed, food, health, beauty, clothing etc, and most of the time he does not even realize it (DIONIZIO, 2018). Despite this, even in the face of the importance of this science for society, it is perceived in some school environments, a precarious teaching, applied in the memorization of contents, with the mere exposition of formulas, laws and concepts, and with repetitive exercises resolutions, which does not contribute to the development of meaningful learning (CRISÓSTOMO et al, 2018). Thus, it is necessary to insert new teaching methodologies in the educational environment that enable quality education. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can enhance pedagogical practices, adding access to information, flexibility, diversity of supports in their treatment and presentation (SOUSA, 2021). The use of ICTs in the teaching of Chemistry represents an alternative for the study of contents that are poorly understood in theory, and without being developed in practical classes (CRISÓSTOMO et al, 2018). Games stand out as a viable option for science teaching, as it is a great pedagogical strategy, with engaging language, where various skills are learned (LEÃO et al, 2019). The new ICTs offer the education system new resources and programs. Microsoft PowerPoint is a program used for creating, editing and displaying graphic presentations that can become an educational object with a great differential for the teaching and learning process. Faced with the need to introduce new technologies into teaching, this study evaluated a virtual memory game developed with the PowerPoint tool for teaching the nomenclature of inorganic functions.

Material e métodos

The study was carried out in an exploratory and descriptive way with the intention of evaluating a virtual memory game "Memochemistry " developed with the Microsoft PowerPoint program for teaching inorganic functions with a focus on the study of the molecular formulas of inorganic compounds to aid knowledge and fixation the content exposed by the teacher on inorganic functions (acids, bases, salts, oxides and hydrides). The game was developed by students of the 3rd period of the Degree in Chemistry in cooperation with students of the 6th period Information System Course of the Instituto Federal do Tocantins Paraíso do Tocantins campus. The game was applied to 40 students from the 1st year of High School Integrated to the Environmental Technician Course in June 2022 who study at the same institution and campus. The research was carried out with the division of the class into pairs, delivery of a table on a sheet of bond paper containing the names of anions and cations to help students during the game, explanation of the rules of the game, which are identical to the rules of the traditional memory game and the Memochemistry game for each pair. After the application of the game, an evaluative questionnaire was applied with 9 closed questions: 1. Was the game easy to understand and use? 2. Is the game design appealing? 3. Does the game have clear and understandable rules? 4.Was the game challenging for you? 5. Did the game help in fixing the content? 6. Is the game content related to the course? 7. Did the game contribute to the learning of the content? 8. Do you prefer to learn with this game than another teaching method? 9. Do you approve of the game? so that the students could evaluate the game.

Resultado e discussão

Graph 01 informs the students' answers in relation to the evaluative questionnaire applied to the students to find out about the use of the Memochemistry game. Figure 2 represents the stages of the Memochemistry game. According to the results presented in the graph, it is observed that the Memochemistry game 85% was easy to understand and use by students (85%), presented an attractive design (75%), clear and understandable rules (95%), not presented a challenging character (70%), helped in fixing the content (70%), the content of the game was related to the subject (95%), the game contributed to the learning of the content (75%), the students preferred to learn with this Memochemistry game than with another teaching method (90%) and approved the game (85%). The game produced and applied showed satisfactory results in all questions asked, except for the challenging question. The absence of phases or stages must have influenced the students' opinion regarding the challenging nature of the game. Crisóstomo et al, 2018 also performing analysis of the game produced in Microsoft Power Point obtained consistency in all the responses of the students participating in the research with the pedagogical quality of the game, Siqueira et al (2019) using Power Point developed a work where 90% of the participants students agreed that the features are good and 95% thought the game looked good. Segantini (2014) in his study states that 58% of teachers use PowerPoint to present the desired content. The authors Pires, Araujo-Jorge e Trajano (2012) state that 55% of the students have already had contact with PowerPoint in class and 62.3% of the opinions about the use of this software were classified as: good, it facilitates the understanding and the use of images as facilitators of learning

Graph 1. Response to the evaluative questionnaire

Figure 2. Memochemistry game steps


In view of the answers obtained through the evaluative questionnaire, it was possible to conclude that the Memoquímica virtual game presented ease of understanding and use by the students, attractive design, relationship with the discipline contributing to the learning of the content and great approval for the game developed with the Microsoft program. PowerPoint can become a differential and contribute to the quality of teaching content on the nomenclature of inorganic functions.


To God, to the IFTO Paraíso do Tocantins campus


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DIONÍZIO, T. P. “Uno da Química”: conhecendo os elementos químicos por meio de um jogo de cartas. Revista Educação Pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 18, nº 14. 2018. DOI: 10.18264/REP Disponível em: https://educacaopublica.cecierj.edu.br/artigos/18/14/ldquo-uno-da-qumica-rdquo-conhecendo-os-elementos-qumicos-por-meio-de-um-jogo-de-cartas. Acesso em: 12 abr 2022.

LEÃO, M.F.; FANTINELL JÚNIOR, M.; COSTA, A.N.S.; ALVES, A.C.T. Jogos didáticos no ensino de ciências: maneira diferenciada de ensinar e aprender sobre poluição. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE QUIMICA, 59., 2019, João Pessoa. Anais Eletrônicos [...]. João Pessoa, 2019. Disponível em: http://www.abq.org.br /cbq/2019/trabalhos/5/956-27759.html. Acesso em: 21 maio 2022.

PIRES, F.E.S.S.; ARAUJO-JORGE, T.C.; TRAJANO, V.S. Avaliação sobre o uso do programa PowerPoint em sala de aula por estudantes da educação básica na rede pública. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Ciência e Tecnologia, v.5, nº1. 2012. Disponível em: https://periodicos.utfpr.edu.br/rbect/article/view/862. Acesso em: 12 mar. 2022

SEGANTINI, J.H. Uso das tecnologias na sala de aula, como ferramenta pedagógica e seus reflexos no campo. 32f. [Especialização]. Universidade Federal do Paraná, Foz do Iguaçu, 2014. Disponível:https://acervodigital.ufpr.br/handle/1884/50327. Acesso em: 13 abr. 2022

SIQUEIRA, A.C.O.; FUJIHARA, R.T.; ROCHA, E.S.; FREIRE, M.J. Todos contra a dengue: um jogo interativo produzido em PowerPoint. Educação Pública, v.19, nº27, 29 de outubro de 2019. Disponível em: https://educacaopublica.cecierj.edu.br/artigos/19/27/todos-contra-a-dengue-um-jogo-interativo-produzido-em-powepoint. Acesso em: 14 maio 2022.

SOUSA, M. A. de C. TICS: O uso de aplicativos móveis no ensino de Química Urutaí, 2021. 39 p. TCC (Graduação em Licenciatura em Química) –Instituto Federal Goiano, Urutaí, 2021. Disponível em: https://repositorio.ifgoiano. edu.br/bi tstream/prefix/1735/1/tcc_Maria%20Aparecida%20de%20Castro%20Sousa.pdf. Acesso em: 3 abr. 2022

Patrocinador Ouro

Conselho Federal de Química

Patrocinador Prata

Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico

Patrocinador Bronze

LF Editorial
Royal Society of Chemistry
Elite Rio de Janeiro


Federación Latinoamericana de Asociaciones Químicas Conselho Regional de Química 3ª Região (RJ) Instituto Federal Rio de Janeiro Colégio Pedro II Sociedade Brasileira de Química Olimpíada Nacional de Ciências Olimpíada Brasileira de Química Rio Convention & Visitors Bureau