• Rio de Janeiro Brasil
  • 14-18 Novembro 2022

CitOMICs by drone-SPME: an ascendent platform for monitoring and control of the Gaeumannomyces graminis fungus in rice crops in the Department of Tolima, using drone-SPME and analyzed by GC-MS




The rice crop is affected by multiple diseases, whether caused by bacteria or fungi, therefore a solution is required to control this type of affectation. Oryza sativa or rice as it is commonly known, which is a cereal of great importance in many culinary cultures, as well as in Latin America. The pathogenic fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis, affects this crop. It is intended to identify biomarkers or volatile organic compounds, which are produced when a microorganism or plant is subjected to stress conditions. By means of HS-SPME-GC-MS, sampling was carried out, using a red commercial fiber and Lab Made, for the in-vitro detection of VOCs. Several secondary metabolites were identified, including heptadecane.

Palavras chaves

drone-SPME; biomarkers; rice crops


The rice crop is affected by multiple diseases, whether caused by bacteria or fungi, therefore a solution is required to control this type of affectation. This project seeks to increase the productivity and efficiency of the crops, by making decisions in real time and based on the health of the crops, reducing with the CitOMICs platform, the time to take decisions and the resources to improve the health of the crops, e.g. water, pesticides, fertilizer, adjuvants. CitOMICs is projected in the future as a platform based on Artificial Intelligence, being a support system for agricultural crops in real time, increasing the productivity and efficiency of agriculture, reducing losses and generating savings in time and resources. Oryza sativa or rice as it is commonly known, which is a cereal of great importance in many culinary cultures, as well as in Latin America (Rodríguez, 2015). Rice grain is considered the second most produced worldwide (Rodríguez, 2015). Rice yield is subject to the following factors: the number of panicles per unit area, the number of spikelets or grains per panicle, and the percentage of full grains (Rodríguez, 2015). In this order of ideas, it is also necessary to add to these yield factors, the affectation of crops by phytopathogens (Rodríguez, 2015). Which significantly damage crops and even destroy the harvest (Rodríguez, 2015). A phytopathogen of interest in this case is the "sick foot", "orange stain" or the pathogenic fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis. The pathology of this fungus consists of the affectation of the root zone of the plant, this phytopathogen is found in the soil (Tapia, 2013). This project seeks to contribute in the future, to control pests in the agricultural sector of the country, in mitigating the loss of crops and saving expenses. Based on an early, rapid, non-invasive and low-cost warning. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in their most recent report they highlight that the goal to end hunger and malnutrition has deviated in recent years, taking into account Covid-19 as one of the main reasons (FAO, 2021). Factors that have influenced the negative figures to combat famine in the world have been conflicts, extreme climate variability and conditions, (FAO, 2021) . A crop can be monitored by means of precision agriculture (PA), which consists of the use of information technologies to adapt the management of soils and crops, to the variability present within a lot (García and Flego, 2008). With the PA, costs in personnel and supplies are minimized to a great extent, in addition to protecting crops by making decisions in less time (García and Flego, 2008). Living organisms release a series of substances into the environment, called volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (Cantúa Ayala et al., 2019; Dudareva et al., 2006). In this sense, plants, humans, animals and microorganisms, emanate this type of substances to the environment in a predominant way, in the face of some biotic or abiotic stress situation, understood as a response or alert mechanism (Cantúa Ayala et al., 2019; Dudareva et al., 2006). Plants synthesize different VOCs fulfilling an ecological role (Cantúa Ayala et al., 2019; Dudareva et al., 2006). Based on the above, when a crop is attacked by a pathogen, it will express certain VOCs, in response to a stress condition (Cantúa Ayala et al., 2019; Dudareva et al., 2006). In this order of ideas, the aim is to identify secondary metabolites that are expressed in the rice crop attacked by the Gaeumannomyces graminis fungus. There are four varieties of this fungus, the one that attacks rice is called Gaeumannomyces graminis var. graminis or also known as orange spot (Valencia, 2019). This project aims to achieve the following objectives: GENERAL GOAL To identify secondary metabolites (biomarkers) generated in the infection of rice plantations affected by the Gaeumannomyces graminis fungus, through the CitOMICs drone-SPME platform, as a strategy for early, rapid and non-invasive detection of the disease, and that allows to build a future support system for decision-making in crop health. SPECIFIC GOALS • To identify in vitro secondary metabolites (biomarkers) of the infection of the fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis in rice crops using HS-SPME-GC-MS. • To identify in the experimental farm in situ, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in rice cultivation using drone-SPME. • To perform comparative chemometric analysis of correlation between secondary metabolites in vitro with those in situ. • To train an array of nanosensors with above biomarkers identified by machine learning for pattern recognition of crop disease • To build up platform CitOMICs by communication amongs the trained nanosensors in target farms by seeding the analysis into the cloud computation to explore the disease annotation for early diagnosis and control.

Material e métodos

1. VOC Acquisition 1.1 Tuning of the validated methodology of HS-SPME-GC-MS analysis with biomarker standards described in literature (Validated Method) Chromatographic conditions A gas chromatograph coupled to Shimadzu Q2010plus mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used. The analysis is started with the oven at 40°C, and a heating time of 1 minute, then the temperature is raised to 120°C at a rate of 10°C/min and a heating time of 1 minute at 120°C, then temperature is now brought to 180 °C with a speed of 10 °C/min and a heating time of 5 minutes, the temperature is now brought to 230 °C at a speed of 10 °C and a heating time of 5 minutes at 230 °C, continues then with the increase to 250 °C and then to 280 °C, in both cases at a rate of 10 °C/min and a heating time of 5 minutes for both temperatures. Both the ion source and interface temperatures were 280 °C and He gas was used as carrier gas. Columna: Zebron ZB-5 30.0 m x 0.25 mm i.d; film thickness 0.25 µm. The temperature at the injection port was 250 °C. 1.2 Sampling in vitro (cases and controls) safely in Petri box and transport to the laboratory (Sampling and Reliable and safe laboratory samples) SPME fibers, a red commercial fiber and Lab Made Fiber were used. 5 g of rice was placed in an Erlenmeyer flask with water and left covered for several days, for the growth of microorganisms. Samplings were carried out daily with the different fibers. The SPME fiber was left in head space (HS) for 30 min. Then put the fiber in HS in the Erlenmeyer and was exposed in the injection port for 15 min, for the desorption of the analytes. 2. VOC Identification 2.1 Reading of samples in situ (cases and controls) by drone-SPME-GC-MS (Chromatographic and spectrometric analysis database consolidated) Desing and build up the SPME fibers. Biomarkers identification Lab Made Fiber, is coated from a thin film of montmorillonite clay, modified with ionic liquids, and this coating is generated by means of a deposition PVD vapor physics by R.F. magnetron sputtering. This fiber is made up of nitinol wire (Nitinol arches ϕ 0.012 inch × 5 cm length) and offers little memory effect. With regard to biochemical pathways, websites such as Gene Ontology AmiGO and the NCBI have been used so far to tentatively track. 3. VOC Signal/noise substraction From this item onwards, are the pending points to be carried out 3.1 Annotation of pesticide crops signal/noise information analysis by GC-MS and LC-MS for substraction of biomarkers non target stressing crop (Chromatographic and spectrometric analysis database consolidated) Crops monitoring. Pesticide crops signal/noise biomarkers supression 4. VOC Modelling 4.1 Multivariate analysis 4.2 Metabolomic approach through the use of bioinformatic platforms 5. VOC Training 5.1 Design of array nanosensors by training with above biomarkers identified 5.2 Pilot tests of device operation + citOMICs platform with targeted training for available biomarker standards-Machine learning AI

Resultado e discussão

VOCs compounds are produced by fungi, bacteria and plants, they are distinguished by having low molecular weight and high vapor pressure and are generated under certain environmental conditions or stress within the body (DO AMARAL ET AL., 2020). In this sense, in the different samplings carried out so far, heptadecane, n-heptadecanol and dotriacontyl isopropyl ether were identified. Regarding heptadecane, after several days, when performing the GC-MS analysis, n-heptadecanol appeared, that is, an oxidation of this compound possibly occurred. The metabolic pathway by which alkanes are processed is determined by the regiospecificity of alkane hydroxylase, which oxidizes alkanes at the terminal or subterminal carbon (SKINNER, 2007). During the terminal oxidation of alkanes, the activation of the molecule occurs through hydroxylation events that result in the production of primary alcohols (SKINNER, 2007). The red commercial SPME fibers and the Lab Made, helped to detect the different VOCs. In this order of ideas, the fibers that are made in the GICTA group of the University of Caldas, are an option compared to commercial fibers, for the implementation of microextraction techniques.


Until now, some VOCs or secondary metabolites generated in the reaction medium have been identified, being heptadecane, n-heptadecanol and dotriacontyl isopropyl ether. After several days, heptadecane no longer appeared, but n-heptadecanol, due to possible metabolic processes. It remains to carry out more tests and samplings, with certified fungal strains and the definitive identification of them as biomarkers of interest, those responsible for pathogenicity, in rice cultivation. The Lab Made fibers of the GICTA Group are an alternative to commercial fibers.




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