Cassava flour is widely consumed in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil.
Much of its production is carried out in a handmade way in small establishments,
which do not normally meet the requirements of Brazilian legislation. The study
aimed to verify the quality of flours sold in the cities of Paraíso and Palmas do
Tocantins, through analyses following embrapa's cassava flour classification
manual, in addition to color and microbiological analyses. The moisture, acidity
and ash were in accordance with the legislation, the colorimetry showed flours
tending more to yellow, being satisfactory. Microbiological patterns showed fecal
contamination, and probably poor storage, since none were fit for human
Palavras chaves
Quality; Free fair; Flour house
Food safety covers knowledge and practices related to public health, in order to
prevent risks associated with food (PANDOLFI, MOREIRA and TEIXEIRA, 2020).
Management and quality control, combines basic foundations for the process of
food production to be carried out avoiding the emergence of foodborne diseases
(DTA's) (PEREIRA and ZANARDO, 2020).
Cassava is one of the main subsistence crops used by family farming because it
is a species whose cultivation is relatively simple. More than 100 countries
produce cassava, and Brazil is the fifth largest producer in the world (FAO,
In the Northern region of Brazil, the cassava derivative with the highest
production is flour, which is produced in flour houses, presenting great
socioeconomic importance, since it is a source of income for family agriculture
(NEVES et al., 2020). The processing for obtaining cassava flour is relatively
simple and should follow good manufacturing practices throughout the processing,
from the selection of raw material to the product (SILVA et al., 2017).
Among the sanitary inadequacies observed, the physical-chemical and
microbiological contamination stands out, especially with regard to the presence
of hair strands, animal hair, insect fragments, use of poor-quality raw
materials or hygienic failure throughout food processing, which contribute to
the reduction of shelf life of the product and endanger the health of the
consumer (SILVA JÚNIOR, 2007; FRANCO and LANDGRAF, 2008). In view of this, the
objective of this work was to evaluate the quality standard of flours sold in
free fairs of two cities in the state of Tocantins.
Material e métodos
Eleven samples of artisanal cassava flours from the dry group were collected,
eight samples of the puba coarse variety and three samples of the fine white
variety, classification used regionally by the producers. The cassava varieties
used in flour production were Jaibara, Pão, Cacau and Najar. The samples were
collected in September 2022, acquired at free fairs in the municipalities of
Paraíso Palmas do Tocantins, all produced by hand.
We collected eleven samples of 1 Kg, packed in plastic packaging, and
transported to the Food Technology Laboratory (LATECA) of the Federal University
of Tocantins. In this study, the Manual for Classification of Cassava Flour from
Embrapa (2014) was adopted, following the steps for sampling and classification
of cassava flour and some methodologies suggested in the manual such as:
humidity by the 712 method of the International Organization for Standardization
(2009). Ash, pH, titratable acidity determined with NaOH 0.1 N Instituto Adolfo
Lutz (2008). The starch content was determined according to Loos, Hood and
Graham (1981), the color analysis was performed with the aid of a Konica Minolta
CR400 bench top colorimeter.
The microbiological analysis was carried out with the purpose of verifying
whether the flours meet the food safety standards required by RESOLUTION - RDC
No. 331, OF DECEMBER 23, 2019 (BRASIL, 2019a) that provides for microbiological
standards of food and its application and NORMATIVE INSTRUCTION No. 60, OF
DECEMBER 23, 2019 (BRAZIL, 2019b) establishing lists of microbiological
standards for food.
Resultado e discussão
Table 1 shows the results obtained in the physical-chemical and colorimetric
parameters of cassava flours commercialized in the state of Tocantins. Regarding
the acidity parameter of the 11 samples studied, only F1 was classified with
high acidity (4.81 meq NaOH. 100 g-1). According to regulations no. 52 (BRAZIL,
2011) acidity is considered high for values above 3.0 meq NaOH (0.1N) /100g.
However Pinto et al., (2020), when working with cassava flours commercialized in
the state of Pará, 81% of their samples presented a value higher than 3.0 meq
NaOH (0.1N) /100g being considered high acidity flours.
Corroborating Soares et al. (1992), foods can be classified as low acids (pH
>4.5), acids (4.5 to 4.0) and very acidic (< 4.0). In view of this
classification,the samples of the flours analyzed showed significant
differences between them, and the F4 sample was very high (3.82a), F1, F2, F4,
F5 and F11 acidic, and the others were characterized as little acidic. However,
there are no references regarding pH values for cassava flour in Brazilian
The percentage of ashes of all samples was within the standards established in
the legislation, which refers to the sample that the samplehas an ash content
higher than the maximum limit (≤ 1.4%), will be considered outside the type
(BRASIL, 2011).
The moisture contents of the flours analyzed differed from each other in samples
F7 (7.26b %), F8 (5.09to %), F11 (9.40c %), however all samples are in
accordance with Normative Instruction No. 52/2011, which establishes a maximum
of 13% humidity (Brasil, 2011). The variation in moisture contentwas also
observed in the study carried out by Souza et al., (2021) when studying 17
samples of cassava flour, which obtained a variation in moisture percentage from
(6.11%) to (13.77%), finding two of their samples non-compliant with the
established standard.
According to Normative Instruction No. 52/2011 (BRAZIL, 2011), flours F1, F4,
F6, F7, F8, F9, F10 and F11 are outside the established standard which says that
medium and coarse dry flours have to have at least 80% starch, while F2 and F3
flours are Type 1 flours with starch content greater than or equal to 86% and F5
is type 3 with starch content between 80% and 82%. Alvarez et al. (2013)
studying the physical chemistry of cassava artisanal flours found starch values
ranging between 92.86 and 97.38%, which shows how much starch was lost in the
processing of flour object of this study. Silva et al., (2022) analyzing 10
municipal fair flours achieved starch values ranging from 86.91 to 87.61%.
Souza and Silva (2018) managed to find starch contents more similar to this
study (76.08 to 84.78%). The explanation for such variation in the amount of
starch may be related to several factors such as edaphoclimatic conditions and
intrinsic characteristics of the variety used. Aryee et al., (2006) also
mention that it may come from the time of preparation, where it may be that
there was the removal of the starch, thus causing the loss of quality of the
As for the physical determinations all the samples under study there was no
foreign matter. In the flour classification parameter, all samples are from the
dry group, being 08 classified from the thick class (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F10
and F11) and 03 from the middle class (F7, F8 and F9).
The color analysis of flours is an extremely important parameter in food
products, since color is the main flashy for purchase intention (TANI and
KAMLOT, 2015). All 11 samples presented +b* indicating that the flours tend to
yellow, among these flours f7, F8 and F9 presented low value of +b* with high
luminosity, indicating the presence of a flour more for white. The F1 sample
with +a*, low light and +b* indicates a more orange yellow flour. It is normally
expected for cassava flours more white or yellow colors, and it can be seen
based on Table 2 that the colors tended to these patterns.
According to Normative Instruction No. 60 of Anvisa Item 19 "a", it was observed
that all flours are in disagreement with the legislation (Table 1), where the
reference value for Bacillus cereus was no more than 10³ CFU/g, this fact can be
explained, due to B. cereus being a ubiquitous microorganism with the soil as a
natural reservoir, where the cassava roots are found (SOUZA, 2011).
B. cereus is associated with emetic and diarreic syndromes, and public health
problems are very serious. The optimum temperature for growth and development
of B. cereus varies between 28°C and 35°C which would be easily eliminated in
the flour roasting process, the problem lies in the spores of this pathogen,
from which they can resist a temperature of 126°C for 90 minutes (ICMSF, 1996).
Such spores easily attach to surfaces, in addition to a high resistance to
drying, ultraviolet radiation and various chemical sanitizers (PAIVA et al.,
Souza et al., (2005) bring in their research that the samples that presented
contamination by B. cereus were associated with samples with insect fragments,
leading to the belief that the lack of adequate storage may be one of the main
factors for contamination outside the required standards, found in this study.
Escherichia coli is an opportunistic pathogen that is usually found in warm-
blooded animals, especially in the gastrointestinal system, and for this reason
it is a strong indicator of fecal contamination. WHO (2011) brings that, hardly
these bacteria would be found in places where there was no fecal pollution. Such
bacteria have the ability to cause severe intestinal infections such as diarrhea
with bleeding, severe abdominal pain, gastroenteritis, kidney failure and even
septic shock (BUSH, 2018; MUELLER and TAINTER, 2022).
Of the eleven samples analyzed, only F1, F4 and F6 presented contamination by E.
coli, but at levels acceptable by legislation, which has as minimum standard (m)
required 10 NMP/g. De Jesus et al., (2018), evaluating flours sold at free fairs
in the municipality of Cruzeiro do Sul/AC, obtained similar results for fecal
contamination, within the limits allowed in legislation. The presence of E. coli
does not necessarily mean a direct contamination with fecal material and may
also be due to poor hygiene on the part of the handler, in addition to the way
it is stored and/or transport of flour (SOUZA, FIGUEIREDO and SANTANA, 2015).
The legislation for microbiological patterns of food brings salmonella spp. is a
pathogen that can not appear in food, being classified as Absent and Present in
the analyses. Of the eleven flours evaluated, it is possible to observe that
only the flours F1, F4, F5, F7, F8 and F9 fall within the required standards,
the other flours should be discarded, as they are unsuitable for human

Parameters of the quality of cassava flours sold in free fairs in the state of Tocantins.

Results of the analysis of microbiological patterns of cassava flours according to Normative Instruction No. 60/2019 of ANVISA (Item 19a).
Among the physical-chemical parameters, it can be concluded that the percentage of
moisture, acidity and ash are in accordance with the standards established by the
legislation. The colorimetric parameter was also satisfactory, in the flours
there was no presence of foreign matter visible to the naked eye.
When evaluating microbiological patterns, the flours did not attest to being able
to be inuse due to present in many microbiological nonconformities, it is
necessary to evaluate the way the production of these flours and their
commercialization takes place, seeking to to raise awareness of the handlers
involved in the processing of this food, through training courses of good handling
practices. It prioritizes do so, the improvement of quality at each stage of
production and commercialization.
We thank CAPS for their financial support through PDPG-FAP, the Federal University
of Tocantins and the PPG in Food Science and Technology for the possibility of
this study.
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