Several theories defend learning through the use of experimentation however they
are not carried out due to lack of laboratories, materials and unpreparedness of
teachers. The objective of this work was to obtain knowledge of 20 students of
the Integrated Middle Agroindustry course from the action of ethylene gas during
the ripening of fruits stored without and with packaging at room temperatures and
at 18°C for 15 days. The fruits stored at room temperature and without packaging
suffered variations in their texture, odor and mass. Practical activities like
this, with materials so common to the student's life, can favor learning, showing
that chemistry is not a set of concepts to be memorized and forgotten, but that
this science is related to their daily lives.
Palavras chaves
Apple; Phytoregulator; teaching learning
Chemistry teaching in many schools is fragmented and decontextualized.
Overcoming this way of teaching through pedagogical practices that lead students
to understand knowledge that is not segmented and decontextualized, but
integrated into the areas of Natural Sciences and its Technologies is a priority
(BRASIL, 2002). Several theories defend learning through the use of
experimentation however they are not carried out due to lack of laboratories,
materials and lack of preparation of teachers (ALVES; LEÃO, 2017). The teacher
must create situations that promote the construction and production of knowledge
through situations understood using practical activities that involve the
student in the topics being taught (NANNI, 2004). The use of contextualized
experimentation allows the creation of real problems where the student is no
longer a mere listener memorizing content to understand and relate the subjects
of Chemistry in their daily lives. (GUIMARÃES, 2009). Experimental activities
motivate and expand the ability to learn. Experimentation develops the skills to
observe, compare, group, collect and interpret data, make assumptions, plan and
solve everyday problems (ALVES; LEÃO, 2017). Experimentation plays a significant
role in the teaching-learning process, being responsible for motivation, while
the discussion of results favors research, contributing to the formation of
concepts, consolidation and expansion of knowledge (LÔBO, 2012). The objective
of this work was to obtain knowledge of the students of the Integrated Middle
Agroindustry course from the action of ethylene gas during the ripening of
fruits, stored without and with paper and plastic packaging, subjected to room
temperatures and at 18°C
Material e métodos
The experimental activity was carried out between the 10th and 25th of April
2019 with 25 students from the 2nd year of the High School Integrated in
Agroindustry at the Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do
Tocantins IFTO Paraíso do Tocantins campus. The scientific investigation was
initially carried out exploring content taught in the Fruits and Vegetables
Processing discipline on the physiological characteristics of climacteric and
non-climacteric fruits, ethylene action on fruits, advantages and disadvantages
of using ripening techniques. After the explanation, the students followed the
methodology adapted from Sert and Kern (2006), where they began to investigate
the action of ethylene gas in the fruit ripening process. They were separated
and weighing three bananas and three lemons. After weighing, the fruits were
exposed at room temperature, serving as a control group. Three bananas and one
apple in paper packaging were added. In another paper package, three lemons and
an apple were placed. A plastic package was used to pack three bananas and an
apple. Three lemons and an apple were also placed in another plastic package.
The paper and plastic packages were sealed with masking tape and individually
weighed. The plastic and paper packaging containing the fruits were separated
into two groups, the first group (paper and plastic packaging) being subjected
to room temperature and the second group (plastic and paper packaging) being
subjected to a temperature of 18ºC. After 15 days, the analysis of texture,
color and odor and mass of the fruits was carried out and the fruits that were
in the process of rotting were discarded.
Resultado e discussão
Table 1 informs the results of mass variations in fruits packed in paper and
plastic submitted to room temperature and 18°C for 15 days.
Fruits stored at room temperature and without packaging underwent major changes
in their texture, odor and mass (Figure 1). The fruits that were stored at room
temperature in paper packaging (figure 2) showed changes in mass, texture, color
and odor and the appearance of liquid with a very intense aroma. When analyzing
the fruits stored in plastic packages (Figure 3) at room temperature, it was
noticed that there was a great loss in their mass and the appearance of a large
volume of a yellowish liquid. When submitted to refrigeration with paper
packaging, there was a small change in the mass and color of the fruits (Figure
4). Regarding refrigeration with plastic packaging (Figure 5).
there was no change in fruit mass and lighter color. According to Chitarra and
Chitarra (2005), in non-climacteric fruits, being a citrus fruit, there is an
induction of carotenoid synthesis in the peel, concomitant with the degradation
of chlorophyll. Therefore, due to this factor, there was a loss in the color of
the lemons used in the practices. Also, according to Chitarra and Chitarra
(2005), in climacteric fruits, there is a greater production of ethylene, which
causes changes in color, aroma, texture and “flavor”. Therefore, there were
changes in the fruits used due to high concentrations of ethylene, which, being
a gas, volatilizes easily, therefore, its release was barred due to packaging,
and, with that, it accelerated processes of respiration and metabolism of the
fruits, causing their maturation and even senescence, as previously represented.

Variations in texture and color of fruit packed in paper and plastic at room temperature and 18°C for 15 days
Scientific research contributes to the understanding of the contents of the
curricular structure and encourages the search for knowledge, arousing interest
in the subject, helping to develop new concepts and solutions to problems. The
approach, supported by the phenomenon, theory and experimentation, made the
students deduce their own conclusions. The proposed investigation brought
together academic and popular knowledge building a theory to explain them in a
scientific language showing that chemistry is related to their daily lives.
To God, to the IFTO Paraiso do Tocantins campus
ALVES, A. C. T.; LEÃO, M. F. Instrumentação no ensino de química. 1. ed. Uberlândia-MG: Edibrás, 2017.
BRASIL. Ministério da Educação (MEC). Secretaria de Educação Média e Tecnológica. (SEMTEC). PCN+ ensino médio: orientações educacionais complementares aos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais: ciências da natureza, matemática e suas tecnologias. Brasília, DF: MEC/SEMTEC, 2002.
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