The commercialization of uninspected raw milk bottled in PET plastic bottles
transported without refrigeration often takes place in Brazilian cities. The
study aimed to evaluate the physical-chemical and microbiological parameters of
in natura milk marketed in three peripheral neighborhoods in the municipality of
Paraíso do Tocantins. The analysis of acidity, density, lipids, protein and pH
followed the methodology of the Instituto Adolfo Lutz and the microbiological
ones, the Manual of Official Methods for the Analysis of Foods of Animal Origin.
The evaluation of the quality of in natura milk sold in the three districts in
the municipality of Paraíso do Tocantins, TO, showed irregularities for acidity
and microorganism count, evidencing the danger to consumer health.
Palavras chaves
: Public health; , Pasteurization; Physical-chemical analysi
Ingestion of uninspected and unpasteurized milk poses a health hazard to
consumers. Even so, there is consumption of this milk through distribution in
the informal market, practicality, affordable prices, cultural issues are
contributing factors for the marketing of this milk called “clandestine” or
“informal” (FAGNANI; ZANON, 2019). of unsupervised milk, packaged in reused PET
plastic bottles and transported without refrigeration and sanitary control is a
frequent occurrence in Brazilian cities (VIROLI et al., 2022). The usual
maintenance of direct marketing of raw milk to the consumer in urban areas by
rural producers in food retail establishments is maintained due to the lack of
knowledge or lack of knowledge of the potential risks that can be conveyed with
the commercialization (SOVINSKI et al., 2014). It is estimated that 30% of
Brazilian dairy production is sold in reused glass or plastic packaging without
sanitary inspection or pasteurization (MOTTA et al.2015). The consumption of raw
milk in some Brazilian cities is common, due to the low cost of acquiring milk
and the belief that the product from the farm is “healthier” than pasteurized
milk (FILHO et al., 2016). Pasteurization is related to minimizing disease
outbreaks caused by milk consumption. Before the use of pasteurization 25% of
all food infections were related to milk, after the insertion of pasteurization
the number of cases decreases to 1%, but an increase in the number of outbreaks
is estimated as the marketing of milk grows. milk without supervision (FAGNANI;
ZANON, 2019). In view of the above, the study aimed to evaluate the physical-
chemical and microbiological parameters of in natura milk marketed in three
peripheral neighborhoods of the municipality of Paraíso do Tocantins, State of
Material e métodos
The microbiological analyzes were carried out in the Microbiology laboratory and
the physicochemical analyzes in the Food Laboratory of the Federal Institute of
Education, Science and Technology of Tocantins (IFTO) Paraíso campus, located in
the city of Paraíso do Tocantins TO. The research was based on an experimental
study using a quantitative method to obtain data. The quantitative method uses
statistics to verify the hypothesis (PEREIRA; SHITSUKA, 2018). During the months
of February to July 2019, from 7 am to 10 am, monthly samples of fresh milk were
collected at different marketing points located in 3 (three) peripheral
neighborhoods in the city of Paraíso do Tocantins, totaling 18 samples surveyed.
The acquisition of samples was carried out through the purchase of milk. Milk
was collected directly from points of sale, neighborhoods B1, B2 and B3 in their
marketing packaging, PET bottles, packed in a thermal box at 4°C and transported
to carry out physical-chemical and microbiological analyses. The physicochemical
analyzes of acidity, density, lipids, protein and hydrogenic potential (pH) were
performed in triplicate and followed the methodological procedures of the
Instituto Adolfo Lutz (IAL, 2018). Microbiological analysis for standard plate
count (CPP) was performed according to the Manual of Official Methods for the
Analysis of Foods of Animal Origin (Brazil, 2019) and the results compared with
Normative Instruction No. 76 of November 26, 2018 (Brazil, 2018). In order to
verify if there was a significant difference between the results, the analysis
of variance (ANOVA) was applied and, between the means of the response
variables, the Tukey test was applied at a 5% significance level.
Resultado e discussão
The fresh milk samples showed acidity values above the standards recommended by
legislation (Brasil, 2018) and a significant difference (p<0.05) between the
samples. The pH, density, lipid and protein presented values in accordance with
the legislation. Table 1 shows the results for physicochemical analysis.
The acidity above that recommended in the legislation can be explained by
inadequate refrigeration after milking or utensils, poorly sanitized equipment,
marketing in PET bottles, points of sale and stores in prolonged exposure to the
sun (VIROLI et al., 2022). Arbello et al., (2021) performed an analysis of milk
acidity and found 40% of the samples with acidity outside the standard
established by legislation. The analysis of the standard plate count showed
values above those recommended in Normative Instruction No. 76/2018. The
analyzed samples did not differ from each other (p > 0.05) Table 2 shows the
mean values of the microbiological analyses.The low microbiological quality of
milk can be explained by the lack of: good milking practices, hygiene of the
animal's udder before milking, hand hygiene, equipment hygiene and milk
refrigeration (ARBELLO et al., 2021). Marque et al (2020) found 70% of the
samples analyzed outside the limit stipulated by legislation. Arbello et al
(2021) performing microbiological analyzes on fresh milk on rural properties
showed 26.66% of the results with high CPP. Stroher et al. (2021), when
analyzing milk samples from dairy farms, found non-compliance in 23.3% of these
properties. According to Arbello et al (2021), Ströher et al. (2021) and Fagnani
and Zanon, (2019) minimal counts of microorganisms in raw milk indicate the
occurrence of good practices during milking and good hygiene during the process
of obtaining milk.

The quality of fresh milk sold in the three neighborhoods in the municipality of
Paraíso do Tocantins, TO, presented irregularities for acidity and plate counts
against IN 76/2018, showing the danger that the ingestion of the product exposes
the health of the consumer. It was also noted the need for refrigeration and care
in obtaining and transporting the product, which results in acidification and
counts of microorganisms above what is permitted by current legislation.
Therefore, the marketing of milk is inadequate, as the microbiological analyzes
show the precariousness of the product.
To God, to the IFTO Paraíso do Tocantins campus
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